2. BNP-test

BRA stands for, "Best Retinal Area”. It is an area outside the central region of the retina that can “replace” the non-functioning central vision. Beyond the central visual field (the macula) vision is much worse and therefore one must rely on magnification to compensate for the lower resolution capabilities of the peripheral retina. There are both better and poorer areas outside the central area.

You can find your Best Retinal Area by looking in different directions and determining when you see the letter “A” in the middle of the BRA-test. Check if you using the same viewing direction when looking at the “smiley face” in the middle of the second BRA-test. Use this viewing direction when you train your eccentric fixation for reading or at distance.
Download and print out a copy of the BRA-test

If you have a loss of central vision the whole face will look blurry.
An alternative is to direct your gaze upwards so that the blurry area falls on the hair. This will allow you to see, but not so perfectly because the picture falls outside the area of central vision; the peripheral retina does not give as clear vision as the macula.
Another alternative is to direct your gaze downwards so that the blurry area falls on the chin. Even in this case the picture will be slightly blurry and you will hve to go closer to see who the person is.
You can also try looking towards the side at either the left or right eye. The BRA-test gives you clues as to where you should direct your gaze so that the picture falls onto the Best Retinal Area, BRA.

Print a copy of the BRA-test so that it is easier to find your Best Retinal Area.

Download and print out a copy of the BRA-test